On Saturday January 11, 11 of us had a good late start in the match, simply as a test to see if the late start produced better weights and although the weights improved from last week, we think it is more than likely that It is due to the better weather.
A very important question continued to be asked. “When will Harry Billing return to the UK?” Although it was asked in a much more expressive way, and I’m sure we all know what “expressive words” were used!
Once again, his outstanding ability to read the water produced the winning weight of the day from pin 9 of Section ‘B’ in the ‘wides’. His 27kg, 900g was more than double the weight of Alan Frith on peg 11 and his 11kg, 800g weight was, to his credit, double the weight of John Waples’ 5kg, 300g on the pin 13.
The “A” section (pegs A1 to 7) we were going to be left out in favor of the high 30 pegs, but the results of Wednesday’s match were favorable and we decided to have 4 pegs in that section as well.
Peg 2, once again, emerged victorious and it was Bill “Slaphead” Cannon who was lucky enough to get it out and (somehow) managed to get 11kg of carp off that peg and into his net.
It was a pleasure to see our sole member, Marlene Hutchinson, take second place from end 6 with 2 carp and a 6kg 600g beard.
The “C” section is the one that all clubs seem to avoid, and the reason is because they are not producing. Now, it is worth asking: HOW do they know that it is not producing if no one catches it?
Peg 21 saw this server (Steve Higgins) weigh in 3 carp and 7 carps (similar to a crucian carp) for a winning weight of 5kg 250 grams and close behind was ‘Wee Jock’ Ronnie Arthur with the same amount of carp , but not the same amount of Carrasio for 4 kg and 750 grams of the highly favored peg 23.
After the match we went to our joint sponsor pub, The Dog & Firkin (Catral), for a nice pint and a chat about days fishing and other Bull-wotsit.
Our next game, our second league game, is on Sunday the 26th of this month and ways to disable Harry’s motor are being investigated.