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Former Real Zaragoza goalkeeper Álvaro Ratón acquitted of sexual assault

Ratón announced that he will now take action against the woman who accused him and her witnesses.

Álvaro Ratón, former goalkeeper of Real Zaragoza, has been acquitted for the third time (and definitively) of the complaint filed by a woman for sexual assault in 2018. The events supposedly occurred on the night of San Juan in the town of O Carballiño, in Ourense , when he played as a goalkeeper for the Aragonese team.

Already a goalkeeper for the Greek Pas Lamia, Ratón has spoken on television about this third acquittal, and has said that he will take action against the complainant.

The goalkeeper has been in “suffering” for six years in which he has not been able to go to his town or his family’s home, due to the restraining order against him, due to the “false testimonies” he suffered during the rehearsal.

“I have been acquitted on 3 occasions and I am happy because justice has been done, but I have not been able to enjoy family visits and celebrations for something I did not do. Now that it is proven and the accusations are false, I have to defend myself,” said Álvaro on the Telecinco program ‘Vamos a ver’.

During the interview, Ratón said that women must be “supported,” but that this should not be done “at any price.” “There was nothing left but his word and I immediately became a monster.”

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He announced that he will now take action against the woman who accused him and her witnesses. “This cannot be left like this. In a way, it makes a lot of sense. People just want everything to go away and go back to normal when it’s cleared up because there comes a time when you don’t want to go on, but on the other hand you have to stand up for what’s yours and what’s right. Not only against this person, but also against the false testimonies that have been made against me in the trials,” he concluded.

In 2018, a woman reported that the soccer player approached her with the intention of having intimacy and after she refused, he did not accept her refusal, pushed her, tried to kiss her and subjected her to groping. He requested four years in prison for the footballer, 10,000 euros in compensation and a 500-meter restraining order. However, the courts have ruled in favor of the defense on three occasions and this final decision puts an end to their ordeal.

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