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TRX Training at Home to Put Your Whole Body to Work

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The suspension training that you can carry out with a TRX can be very complete and can allow you to work all muscle groups very intensely.

Since this is a very versatile tool, we are going to show you a routine to work your entire body using only a TRX .

TRX Training at Home to Put Your Whole Body to Work.

The TRX Training Routine.

Decline Push-ups.

Time: 40secs.

How to do decline push-ups?

Inverted Rowing.

Time: 50secs.

How to Do Inverted Row?

Triceps Extensions.

Time: 35secs.

How to Do Triceps Extensions?

Biceps Curl.

Time: 35 secs.

How to Do Bicep Curls?

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Pistol Squats.

Time: 35secs each leg.

How to Do Pistol Squats?

Ischia Curl.

Time: 45secs.

How to Do Ischia Curls?


Time: 40secs.

How to Do Climbers?

Glute Bridge.

Time: 60secs.

How to Do Glute Bridge?

The idea of ​​this routine is that you perform between two and three rounds , depending on the amount of time you have and your level of training.

Each round will be made up of these eight exercises and there will be no rest between them other than the time it takes to change from one exercise to another. You should only rest for one to two minutes after finishing each round.

Keep in mind that it is advisable to warm up thoroughly before starting the training , since we will be working the entire body and there will be many joints involved in the movements, in addition to the TRX being a tool that adds instability to the exercises.

Five to ten minutes of light cardio along with some joint mobility sets will be enough to prepare you for this workout.

Remember that each exercise in TRX has its regressions. For example, if push-ups are difficult for you, you can do them supporting your knees, or if you cannot do the row horizontally, you can work with a slightly lower inclination.

These regressions can help you complete all the times of the TRX routine so do not underestimate them, especially if you have been training for a short time, because they can be very useful .

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