On Sunday, January 5, 2025, 13 of us fished at El Bosquet. Well, I say fishing, more “assistance” might be more appropriate in this case!
It was a cold start to the day (naturally, after all, we are still only 5 days away from the start of the new year), but we were all in good spirits and looking forward to our first league match, not only for 2025, but the first of history.
Hopefully, to give everyone a good crack of the whip, we used every stretch of water we could; We had the whole place to ourselves, so it makes sense to spread everyone out, it doesn’t make sense to cram everyone into a long line or more. two sections.
I am pleased to report that only one failed to catch, and that was on the most difficult section, at this time, of pegs 19/21/23…. however, Shepshed magician Dave “Hutch” Hutchinson made easy work of winning (from 23rd favourite) not just that section but the match overall with an incredible 16kg 950g.
Way back, and it was more like a mile into the field, was yours truly, Steve Higgins. I managed to get 2 fish from peg 19 for 2 kg and 500 grams.
Behind Hutch was Mutton Jeff Cockney’s old geezer, Bill “Shotgun” Cannon, who landed 16kg and 140g from the 36 peg.
In fact, that weight doubled the weight of former senior world champion Harry Billing, who came second in that section at 7kg, 990g.
Pegs 1 to 7 (Section A) are a favorite of almost all anglers who visit the resort, they are narrower than others and are full of carp, bass, mullet and barbel. However, of late, he just isn’t producing weights like he used to, and it only took 5kg (450 grams) of favorite peg 3 for John (Juggers) Havercroft to seal and easily win the section ahead of Alan Frith, who is a solitary fish that weighed 1 kg. 700 grams: captured just 15 minutes before the end!
The fourth section, the widest and deepest of the complex, is the one many wanted (8 to 16) and the final two pegs 9 and 15 produced the top two.
On peg 15, John Waples made no mistake with 9kg 400g and close behind was Martin Fisher from the other end, peg number 9 with 7kg 9000g.
Our next game is Sunday, January 26.
More information about our group is available from Steve Higgins on WhatsApp 744714343 or by email sf.higgins@outlook.com
Steve Higgins