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The elderly residents are set aside when Orihuela’s advice focuses on Sports City

Concerned about their future, the owners of the neighborhood of Los Huertos are in the process of forming a unified group to advocate better for their interests.

Residents affected by the Orihuela Sports City project are beginning to organize in response to the uncertainty surrounding development.

Concerned about their future, the owners of the neighborhood of Los Huertos are in the process of forming a unified group to advocate better for their interests. To support their efforts, they have appointed a lawyer who has already requested official documentation of the City Council, since many feel that the information provided so far has been insufficient.

The frustration among residents has grown, particularly after learning that the project was presented at the Fortius awards without any prior notification. They demand greater transparency of the City Council, specifically with respect to how long they will be allowed to remain in their homes.

In January, a meeting was held between the affected residents and the Urban Planning Councilor, Matías Ruiz, in the City Council. During the discussion, Ruiz described the plans for Ciudad Deportiva and assured the attendees that the needs of the neighborhood would be a priority. However, a resident, who wanted to remain in anonymity, described the meeting with more doubts than guarantees.

There is generalized skepticism among the owners, and many question the guarantees given.

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The Council has declared that the properties will be evaluated and compensation will be offered, which allows residents to buy new homes that will be built in a nearby parking lot.

However, some fear that these new residences do not coincide with the quality of their current homes, while others care that they may need to assume an additional financial burden to ensure housing.

Uncertainty has meant an important concern for many residents, particularly for the elderly, who are distressed in the perspective of having to leave homes where they have spent their entire life raising their families.

Some question why the orchards was chosen as the location of the sports city on alternative sites, such as Ociopia or Hurrchillo Road. While the authorities argue that this area is less prone to floods, long -time residents withdraw past incidents where water levels reached a meter high during important storms.

Despite the concerns, the Council has confirmed that the affected houses are included in the scope of the project. Officials have assured residents that they will receive options, including relocation to the designated plots within the plan, financial compensation or the ability to remain in their homes during a transition period.

However, for many in the orchards, these guarantees do little to relieve their uncertainty about the future.

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