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The Celtic Golf Club Championship

We held our Club Championship in cool La Serena last Sunday. That day 94 players and guests played. As always, we must thank several people for the smooth running of the day. Camillus and Terry the competition committee, thank you.

Miguel and the green staff, the course is in magnificent condition, even if the pin positions were on slopes. Karolina, Martha, Michael and Oscar in the golf shop, thank you for your professionalism. Fina, Vanessa, Gloria Marijose, Brian and all the clubhouse staff thank you.

Our sandwiches are much appreciated as is the friendly service. To all the players who remained for the presentation, thank you.

A special thank you to our 2025 captain Alan Proudfoot, it was so nice to see you among all your friends for the awards presentation, we hope you get back on the field soon.

The results were as follows. Medal Category I 1st Paula Serekova 71 2nd Alan Ewing 74 in h/cap Category II 1st Pat Coyne 65 2nd Alan Walker 68 Category III1st Terrance Lewis 71 2nd Martin Fitzpatrick 72 Crystal Category I 1 .º Frank Considine 37 points in h/cap 2nd Michael Parry 37 points 3rd Michael Stott 35 points in h/cap

Category II 1st Shiela Coyne 42 points in h/cap 2nd Anthony Stafford 42 points 3rd Yvette McGeehan 38 points Golf Prizes Category I 1st Gareth ORourke 38 points 2nd Terry Fitzgerald 36 points 3rd Frank Considine 33 points Category II 1st Michael Parry 40 points 2nd Abraham Numeijer 38 points Kjell Mundheim 34 points in h/cap

Medal Category I 1st Denis McCormack 72 in h/cap 2nd Gary Conroy 72 Category II 1st Grant Meekins 73 in h/cap 2nd Nick Shaw 73 Category III 1st Terrance Lewis 70 in h/cap 2 º Gordon McCadden 70

fiqo desk

Crystal Category I 1st Steve Hopkins 40 points 2nd Phil Vaughan 38 points in h/cap 3rd Nick Shaw 38 points Category II 1st Pat McLoughlin 38 points 2nd Theo Boelhouwer 36 points 3rd Phil Sayers 34 points.

Ntp’s, Alan Campbell, Nick Shaw, Phil Sayers, George Thomas, Clive Jenkins and Peter Dunne. Category 3. Logan Nayager, 37, Brendan Gannon 37 and Theo Boelhouwer 33. Category 2. Phil Sayers 36, Garret O’Rourke 35 and Peter Dunne 34.

Cat 1. James Imrie 33, Clive Jenkins 32 and John O’Brien 32. Gross was won by Michael Stott 32. Second overall Tony Smithurst 37 and winner Sally Hopkins with a fantastic 41 pts. Again, well done to everyone who supported the day.

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