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Summary, prominent aspects and analysis: Real Sociedad 1-4 Real Madrid; League F 2024/2025

Real Madrid defeated Royal Socity with the 1-4 result on the postponed day 11 of League F. Below are my views and thoughts about the party.

  • Mass began at the finish line. Olga returned to the initial alignment in LB, with Antonia occupying the other end. Rocío and Lakrar were the CB duo. Toletti and Angeldahl were the pivot duo, with Weir as part of a four front with Caicedo, Athena and Bruun.

Angeldahl was on the right side only in the preparation with Caicedo. Otherwise, she was the left pivot, especially in the 4-4-2 formation, Real Madrid remained when out of the ball. Athena operated on the left side during most of the game.

White blue They were more in the ball from the beginning and they had threatening moments, however, their game outside the ball was a disaster that cost them. You could see better in the objectives. The Real also had a slightly better passing precision in the first half.

Towards the end of the first half, Nerea Eizagirre hit the crossbar. Fortunately, no one from the Real was there for the rebound and was cleaned.

Real Sociedad made a triple replacement in part time, including put Amaiur Sarriegi for Eizagirre. The other two changes were both fullbacks. The first shot in the second half was only in 57 ‘and it was exactly Amaiur who shot. She shot from a distance, and it was in the target, but Mass made a stellar salvation to deny her. In general, Real Sociedad spent much longer in the middle of the Madrid field since the second half began.

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Despite having a half a significantly better than White, only an action for Real Madrid was needed to do so 3 and was pressed by his own player. However, the Real has not yet surrendered, they scored two minutes later and had a dangerous shot in the goal a minute later. The Basque side really managed to frustrate White, as they were pushed back.

Alba Redondo managed to seal him for Madrid in 84 ‘And even then, the Real did not stop attacking. Ultimately, the efforts were for nothing, since it ended 1-4.

  • 5 ‘: Goal (0-1) By Signe Bruun: The action created from a recovery in the center of the field between Bruun and Angeldahl passed through the right side to Linda Caicedo. Linda took the ball to the edge of the box and sent a low crossing to Bruun in the center of the box. Lucia blocked the cross initially, but the entire defense had a slow reaction and Bruun had all the time to get the ball and push it for an early advantage.
  • 27 ‘: Goal (0-2) By Signe Bruun: This time it was an action on the left side directed by Athena. He first tried to send a later step that was blocked and returned to her, which allowed her to enter the box with the ball and crossed it with Bruun. The Danish shot but was saved. Weir took the ball in the left post and sent it back to Weir to double the leadership.
  • 69 ‘: Objective (0-3): Property of Andreia Jacinto caused by the Cross of Athena from the left.
  • 84 ‘: Objective (1-4) of Alba Redondo: An Angeldahl recovery wide to the left preceded the immaculate long distance shot of Redondo to seal the game.

71 ‘: Gol (1-3) by Lucía Pardo: There was a freekick for the Real that Pardo capitalized during the shock in the box.

Despite the score, it was a messy performance for White. It is obvious that this system is not sustainable and has not been for a while, since the encounter with Eibar.

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