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Summary, prominent aspects and analysis: Real Madrid female 5-0 Espanyol; League F 2024/25

Real Madrid defeated Espanyol with the result 5-0 The 17th day of League F. Below are my thoughts and points of view about the game.

Mass began at the finish line. Rocío and Lakrar made the duo of the center. Shei started in RB, while Yasmim debuted at LB. Tere and Angeldahl were the pivot duo with Weir as part of the four strikers with Athena, Linda and Bruun who led the line.

It was a disorderly first half. It was mainly characterized by the lack of synergy on the left side, but was expected to see Yasmim in the alignment sheet. The Brazilian attempt 4 crosses and none of them succeeded, but apart from that, it was clear for his positioning that he still did not know his teammates. In the attack, Caicedo would help communicate with her and sometimes there would be a decent combination between Yasmim and a player in the box. Its positioning in the defensive line could be seen in a case where there was an off -game position in the Espanyol attack, but did not follow the line established by the rest of the defense.

There were more problems such as unnecessary possession losses, especially in the center of the field and strangely too often by Caroline Weir. Even so, White was halfway with an advantage of 2 goals.

There were no part -time substitutions. The first change was in 61 ‘When Redondo arrived in Bruun and scored in the next 3 minutes. Another significant substitution came in 68 ‘with a double submarine by Olga and Irune for Linda and Angeldahl. Olga took LW’s place with Yasmim remaining behind.

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At 68, the 16 -year -old Real Madrid B player made his debut. Irune Dorado becomes the third youngest player to debut for White and had the opportunity to play during the last 22 minutes of the match.

She had its impact on a quick recovery during an attempt to step back from Espanyol shortly after entering. He was also consecutive with the opponents and did not go back to any physical duel. Irune is a defensive midfielder and one of the best quarry prospects.

  • 39 ‘: Goal (1-0) by Mallow Lakrar: Metter of a messy corner. There was a little shock in the goal line between Athena and some Espanyol players, but Lakar took advantage of that situation to push it inside.
  • 45+2 ‘: Goal (2-0) By Athenea del Castillo: An Angeldahl recovery in front of the box. Athenea swept the ball in a diagonal, combined with beautiful on the edge of the box and made the shot.
  • 51 ‘: Goal (3-0) by Linda Caicedo: A long angeldahl ball from the back to run to run. She sent the cross to the unmarked caicedo. He had time to change his foot, cut into the middle and shoot it.
  • 64 ‘: Gol (4-0) of Alba Redondo: Eva Navarro tried luck from a distance. His shot hit the crossbar, but Redondo was there for the rebound and directed it.
  • 90+2 ‘: Goal (5-0) by María Méndez: A late free taken by Teresa to help Méndez get a header.

A comfortable victory to relieve low level in the last 3 games and finish the month in a maximum. Two debuts, including the newly transferred to the left of the Corinthians, Yasmim, who arrived earlier this year.

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