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Real Madrid trains at full speed before the Spanish Super Cup final against Barcelona

Real Madrid go into Sunday’s Spanish Super Cup final against Barcelona with a fully fit squad, much to the relief of Carlo Ancelotti. Despite a physically demanding semi-final clash against Mallorca, key players Jude Bellingham and Fede Valverde, who suffered minor knocks, are confirmed to be available for the Clasico.

The resilience of Fede Valverde

Fede Valverde was substituted in the 74th minute of the match against Mallorca as a precaution after suffering muscle fatigue. The Uruguayan midfielder has been a workhorse for Real Madrid this season, starting all 29 games in all competitions, in addition to his regular appearances with the national team. Despite the heavy workload, Valverde is ready to start in Sunday’s final.

Bellingham overcomes exhaustion

Jude Bellingham endured a grueling semi-final, visibly fatigued towards the end of the match. The England midfielder was seen clutching the back of his leg late in the match, but had to stay on the field because Ancelotti had already used all his substitutions. Fortunately, Bellingham has recovered well.

Tchouaméni and Modrić fit to play

Aurelien Tchouaméni, who was eliminated from the semi-final in the 54th minute due to a head injury, has also been cleared to play. The French midfielder left the stadium unharmed and has trained without problems. Meanwhile, Luka Modrić is back to top form. The 39-year-old Croatian maestro participated in recovery sessions with the team and trained thoroughly ahead of the final.

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