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Real Madrid sends a formal complaint to the Spanish Football Federation after Espanyol’s controversy

Real Madrid has sent a formal complaint to the Spanish Football Federation after Saturday’s defeat against Espanyol in the League, which was a very controversial game with many errors of the referee.

The letter can be read (Spanish) here, and here there are some fragments of it.

The events that occurred in this party have exceeded any margin of human error or interpretation of the referee. What happened at the RCDE stadium represents the culmination of a completely discredited arbitration system, in which decisions against Real Madrid have reached a level of manipulation and adulteration of competition that can no longer be ignored. The two most serious arbitration decisions in this game have once again highlighted the double standard offered by Real Madrid (…), Kylian Mbappé’s brutal cup, from behind, in the calf The ball, made in the 60th minute of the match by the Espanyol player who later scored the winning goal for his team, deserved an immediate expulsion as the global press highlighted, ended with the referee’s decision, Alejandro Muñiz Ruiz, just show a Yellow card without the VAR, with Javier Iglesias Villanueva as responsible, intervenes to correct a clearly erroneous decision, leaving an unpunished aggression that in any other competition it would have resulted in an exemplary sanction.

The letter continues and Real Madrid continues to complain about the Spanish referees.

“This referee scandal is not an isolated case. The Spanish arbitration system is completely defective and structurally designed to protect themselves, with the support of the disciplinary committees that depend on the RFEF itself, which systematically refuses to sanction the referees, modifies arbitrary sanctions and, ultimately, maintains a System that has already been labeled as fraudulent by the ordinary justice system. The serious structural problems of Spanish arbitration have been exposed in recent years, with revelations that have highlighted practices incompatible with transparency and impartiality that the competition should govern. However, despite the magnitude of the scandal and the erosion of the credibility of the system, there has been no real reform or effective responsibility. “

Does Real Madrid’s complaint have any effect on the referees from now on? Could this start a new war between the Spanish Football Federation and the Club? Be attentive for more news.

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