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Real Madrid declines the RFEF meeting in the midst of the arbitration dispute

Real Madrid has decided not to attend a crucial meeting with the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) scheduled for tomorrow, as reported by Marca. This decision occurs following the strong criticisms of the club to the current arbitration system, particularly after its controversial defeat 1-0 against Espanyol, in which several decisions of questionable officers played a decisive role.

The meeting, initially confirmed by Real Madrid, served as a dialogue platform between the Federation and the Professional Football Clubs of the Spanish divisions of Spain. Directed by the president of RFEF, Rafael Lozán, the meeting was aimed Within Spanish football. However, given the recent events, Real Madrid has considered it “inappropriate” to participate at this time.

Real Madrid has communicated its decision to the Federation, indicating that current circumstances make it inappropriate to participate in discussions aimed at closing the division between clubs and arbitration officials. While the Federation hoped this meeting would help rebuild trust and foster cooperation, the absence of Real Madrid points out the dissatisfaction of the club with the ex officio state in Spanish football.

The meeting, which was planned with weeks in advance and will also involve the representatives of LaLiga, will take place in the gardens of Cecilio Rodríguez in the good Retiro Park in Madrid. Despite the absence of Real Madrid, most of the other clubs are expected to attend an effort to establish a new framework for collaboration between the Federation, the Technical Committee of Referees (CTA) and LaLiga.

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