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Mbappé: “Real Madrid was the only club I would have left PSG for”

Kylian Mbappé sat down for an interview on the beIN Sports program be unitedwhere he answered questions from a group of children in Paris. The event, made possible through his Inspired by KM Foundation, and in partnership with Accor, provided a platform for Mbappé to share personal insights and discuss his career path, including his decision to leave Paris Saint-Germain (PSG). The session also featured Paralympic champion Hakim Arezki, who introduced the Real Madrid star to blind football, and Mbappé took on the challenge of playing blindfolded.

“I spent seven years at PSG, it was an honor,” Mbappé said about the big moves of his career. “I don’t think I have said it enough, nor have I shown it enough, but I have always been aware of where I am and what a great club PSG is. I have always said that it is the biggest club in France and one of the best in the world.

“I went to Real Madrid, the biggest club in the world. I have always said that it was the only club I would have left PSG for. If I hadn’t been able to go to Real Madrid, I would have stayed at PSG all my life. I had the dream of playing there and I am very happy. But of course I always watch PSG games, I have friends in the team and they are playing well at the moment.”

The interview also covered Mbappé’s experience playing alongside legends and his admiration for players he did not have the opportunity to share a dressing room with. When asked which player he would have liked to play with, he replied: “I would say Zinedine Zidane. I have played with great players: Messi, Neymar, Griezmann, Pogba, Benzema… It would have been fun to play with Cristiano Ronaldo, now it is going to be very complicated. But I was lucky to play against him, a legend of the sport.”

Before closing the event, Mbappé extended a special invitation to his young audience, inviting them to watch a match at the iconic Santiago Bernabéu Stadium.

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