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Mbappé: “In Bilbao I knew I couldn’t do worse, I could only improve”

Real Madrid striker Kylian Mbappé spoke to the media ahead of Wednesday’s match against RB Salzburg. He was asked about his claim that he had hit rock bottom after Bilbao, to which he responded: “I always want to give more, contribute more. And when you see that you don’t do it, it hurts. I knew this could happen… And in Bilbao I knew it couldn’t do worse. That could only get better. “That was the point.”

Mbappé on what he says to critics

“I’m calm, it’s normal. People expected a lot and it is normal for them to talk. But I don’t take it personally. You have to be calm and focused. “I knew it was going to change.”

Mbappé on how he feels

“Very good. I’ve been in good shape for a month or a month and a half. I have complete confidence for tomorrow. For my game. And for the team.”

Mbappé on what has changed

“It was more of a mental thing. I was physically well, happy with the group, but I had to give more. I knew it. And it was after Bilbao when I said ‘let’s go’. You didn’t come to Madrid to play badly. That has changed. In Madrid you always have to play well and now I am ready.”

Mbappé on what his ‘dream’ of playing for Real has been like

“Being here is always a dream. Every time I have the opportunity to play here I am happy. Even when he didn’t play well, he was happy. It was my fault, no one else’s. And now I’m better. I’m trying to learn Spanish culture, a little different from French, but I’m doing it. And I’m fine. “I like my life.”

Mbappé on whether Real Madrid is the most demanding club he has been in

“I’m the type of player who needs this pressure. The feeling that you always have to give more. Against Celta there were whistles… but that is normal in a club like Madrid. You always have to win and if you don’t win the Super Cup there may be whistles. It’s normal. Against Celta it was difficult, but we went further, playing with personality, changing situations. And that is what the Madrid fans want: to play well and win games.”

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Mbappé in his celebration

“Let’s all be united. I understand the whistles, no problem, but let’s not lose unity. It’s that simple. We need everyone to write a new page in history.”

Mbappé on the problems he faced

“I was thinking a lot. Too much. How to do this, how to move… and when you think so much, you don’t play well. Nothing happens with the selection. France is like that and I can’t change what happens there. I want to return in March; My love for the national team has not changed. But for now I only think about Madrid. About playing my best football.

Mbappé on whether he is already 100%

“My goal is to do better in every game, so I hope tomorrow’s game will be even better. I trust in my quality and in my colleagues. Let’s go for more.”

Mbappé on being ‘shy’

“I will never be a shy player, no. But you have to approach Real Madrid with humility, because it is a team that has won everything and cannot be approached with demands. Maximum respect. And work hard. I don’t set a target figure. If I reach 40, 40. But if I reach more, more.”

Mbappé on the Super Cup defeat

“Very sad. We lost a final against our direct rival. We were very sad on the plane. But we already have the feeling that there is still a long, long way to go. We were prepared to focus on the Cup and beat Celta, which was not easy. The Clásico was a very bad game, but in football you have to change your mentality very quickly. And now, for example, we are already thinking about beating Salzburg.”

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