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La Marina Golf Society Match Report Las Colinas

Alan Craig Captain, Sue Saunders winner of the boat closest to a pin and 2, Elspeth McDavitt winner closest to a pin and third place, Dave Slightam winner of the Stableford Competition at Las Colinas.

La Marina Golf Society tee times were fully subscribed and 24 members were eager to play the prestigious Las Colinas course on Thursday 23rd January. The weather was absolutely brilliant for a January with many players wishing they had put on their shorts! Despite the calm weather, with no sign of a breeze coming off Storm Eowyn and the excellent condition of the course, our winner only scored better than par. Reading the greens was difficult and it seemed that members had purchased balls in bulk of their own volition.

The results were

The closest pin on the 5th hole was Elspeth McDavitt, the closest pin on the 7th hole was Lisa Ansegard, the closest pin on the 10th hole was Sue Saunders, the closest pin on the 14th hole was Tommy Ansegard

There were 2 winners of the pot of 2 and Sue Saunders and Gordon Thursfield had to share the spoils.

In third place with 33 points (hcap 28) was Elspeth McDavitt in a card play off, second place with 34 points was Tommy Ansegard (hcap only 8!). The clear winner of the Stableford competition with 38 points was Dave Slightam (hcap 13).

fiqo desk

Congratulations to all our winners. The next competition will be on February 6 at La Finca and will start early at 9.30, so members are recommended to set their alarm clock. Then we will return to the Sports Complex (hole 19) for the presentation of the Helena and Paulo Trophy. It is important that as many members as possible attend since it is Helena and Paula who welcome our return with snacks while we “rehydrate” after our exercise in the streets.

Photo left to right: Captain Alan Craig, Sue Saunders closest to a pin and winner of the 2 second pot, Elspeth McDavitt winner closest to a pin and third place, Dave Slightam, winner of the Stableford competition at Las Colinas.

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