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Courtois: “It’s not just brest that Real Madrid should win, there were other games that we should have won”

Before the Champions League match against Brest in France, the Real Madrid goalkeeper Tibaut Courtois spoke with the media and addressed a variety of songs. One of them was the few chances of finishing in the top eight and avoiding a play-off round. About that, Courtois said: “The important thing is to win the game, I can’t speculate anything, you can continue, go … It is not just this game that we should win, there were others … See where we end up, let’s see if we finish the top the highest possible “.

Courtois in Brest

“I think we are defending better. Brest is a physical rival, with an attack that seeks the air game. I am very surprised by what they are doing in this champions league, they deserve to be where they are. I do not know the players, only the goalkeeper , because he has played in Belgium, I saw the game against Leverkusen, we have seen images of them, we have worked on them with the coach.

Cortés are Mbappé

“He is one of the best, we are lucky to have it, Jude, even Rodrygo … it is better to have him in your team than against him.”

Courtois on Ancelotti’s demands of defensive commitment

“Of course, it is important to start better from the first minute. Starting every half costs us. The game complicates it meaningless for you, you have to improve the entire team, also the strikers, cover the holes well, to go far that you have to defend well. “

Courtois about whether the team has suffered too much in the Champions League

“There are enough things to take into account, there are those who say that eight games help the big teams, but being in the top eight is very complicated, there are great teams that are having a bad time and some of the humble sides are fine, anyone can be a favorite. “

Courtois on Real Madrid’s performances in large games and the next Madrid Derby

“There are many games for that derby … we play what we have to do. We have reacted well, but we have to take a step against the big teams.”

fiqo desk

Courtois in David Alaba

“Being out for a year does not make you pick up the next day, I see it very well, you just have to gain a little confidence, it is a process that only knows the one who has lived it., You do not see the end of the Tunnel, I encouraged him and told him that he was going to touch the ball again.

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