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Costa Blanca South Lawn Bowls Roundup February 2 25

San Luis Bowls Club report 31.01.25.

A week of mixed climate; Sunshine then cold, strong and racing winds and a mixture of results. These better weeks to come, for the weather, the results and, more importantly, a return to better health for our members currently in the hospital or at home, we hope they improve soon.

South League Alicante: Monday 27SL Klingon I had a bad day in the office, Home V Groenland Maples Taking 2 points 10, 74 Tyros-101, Winners: Judy Carroll, Gordon Paton, Dave Blackie 20-11

Trekkers They were out of the cheennicians of Greenland and had a hard battle for 4 points-8 82 shots- 95. Winners: Joy Gardiner, Ngaio Baldwin, Brian Gardiner 23-20, Mary and Phil Lockley, Ralph Jones 21-16. SL Romulans Goodbye

Winter League: Wednesday 29 San Luis They were out of V Country Bowls, and faced the cobras that restricted them to 2 points 8, 57 Tyros-94. Winners: Neil and Sandra Burrows, Carol and Gary Thorpe 26-11.

South League: Friday 31 SL Tigres They were out in Monte Mar v the matadores. The morning began with clouds, rain spots and a fresh breeze, which requires some of us to add some additional layers and gloves. Fortunately, the sun appeared gradually, some layers were discarded and we started playing with more control. Unfortunately, due to a disease, we were already as a missing team; Have to give 2 points and 10 shots and just finish 2 points-10, 52 shots-88. A bad day in the office, but in pleasant company, our winners were: Joy and Brian Gardiner, Jean Cooper 16-11.

At least the LEPARDOS SL I had a good result by taking all points 12-0, 103 Tyros-47 at home V Groenlands Elms. Well done to our winners: Chris Phillips, Derrick Cooper, Keith Phillips 26-5, Oyvind Lund, Jim Gwynn, Lyndon Johnson 17-13, Tony Ferreira, Ngaio Baldwin, Steve Gray 19-7, Lesley & Wayne Howlett, David Whitworth 23 23 -15, Ray Watmough, Pauline Johnson, Pete Baldwin 18-7. Lions sl – goodbye

fiqo desk

Sheila Cammack.

San Miguel Bowls – Week ending on January 31, 2025 – Barry Jones

Monday was a bad day in the office for both the Dolphins and the Orcas. The Dolphins were Country Bowls Famingo’s home, where they lost 10-2, the best winning trip was Dave Homer, Lynn Greenland and Fred Willshire 25-15.

The orcs were out of Quesada pearls, also losing 10 – 2, the winning trip was Bob Donnelly, Ann Taylor and Jack Jackson 18-15.

The Marlins and the stripes had goodbye.

On Wednesday, San Miguel was the home of Calpe winning 10 – 0, 63 shots at 60. The best winning track was Allan Patterson, Janet Parr, Rabe Harvey and Derek Farmer 30 – 9.

On Friday he saw another great morning for Cherokees and Comanches.

The Cherokees won Agains Quesada Swifts 9 – 3, 107 shots at 66,

The best winning trip was John Halligan, Dave Askew and Hank Van Essen 31 – 9.

The Comanches were outside Emerald Isle Outlaws, where they went out with the victory A10 – 2, 90 shots at 73, the winning trip was Terry Lock, Gill Brimley and Gestur Saemundsson 25 – 11.

Apaches and Navajos have goodbye

A reminder that Wasps sessions take place on Wednesdays at 1.30 pm for 2.00 PM – € 5 for an afternoon of bowling with shoes and bowls available to borrow. Due to the popularity of the wasps, bowling players are asked for the first time to attend an initial training session on Tuesday afternoon, starting at 1.45 pm, only by previous appointment. To reserve, call Dave or Lynn Greenland at +34 667 207 508.

We welcome all bowling players who want to join San Miguel BC, since we are a unique club, we only pay the rates of the owners and a club rate and without league track rates.

For more information about San Miguel BC, communicate with the Secretary of the Barry Jones Club at 602 504 905.

Emerald Isle Bowls Club with Elwyn Morris

The Titans played at home against the Navy and had a very good victory with an aggregate of 8-4 and a score of 87-83. Winners

Neptunes was at home playing against Vistabella Albatrosses and obtained a good aggregate of 8-4 victories from 87-73 m nash to Pridmore J Fenty 24-8, T paffett k WHELAN J Laughran 20-16, Laverick J Sayers G Wallis 19- 16

The emperors played at home in the Winter League against Greenland and the visitors took the booty 1-9. 60-80 p coffey n prior am gerrard c Lindgren Drew 17 All. Berleen had a great 19-8 victory with I laverick to Pridmore R White J Mc Cormack

Claymores played in Country Bowls Panthers and in a hard game they were defeated by 5-7 aggregates of 76-86, S John are P Moore K Jolliffe 18-15, K John E Morris J Laughran 16-14, m nash k Whatlan J Fenty Drew 17 all

Outlaws played Comanches and were defeated 2-10, aggregate of 73-90, D Clark J Forrest A Forrest 25-7

Saps as usual on Saturday to 13-15

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