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2024/25 PDC World Darts Championship generates $ 4.57 million in revenue of sponsorship, reveals globaldata

With the help of Luke Littler, Darts is of force in force

With seven brands by sponsoring the Darts Corporation Darts World Championship (PDC) 2024/25, the largest sponsorship agreement of the competition in terms of annual value was with Paddy Power.

The title sponsorship agreement is worth approximately $ 1.5 million a year for a period of three years. In general, it is estimated that the championship has generated $ 4.57 million in revenue from sponsorship, reveals Globaldata, a leading data and analysis company.

The last Globaldata report, “Analysis after the event: the Darts 2024/25 World Championship,” reveals that the event is involved in a media agreement with the SKY of the payment television station, in total in total Approximately $ 93.47 million to broadcast the championship on its UK and Ireland platform went up to January 2026.

World Darts Championship 2024-25-PR Chart.png

Tom Suback-Sharpe, a sports analyst in Globaldata, comments: “The PDC in 2024 succeeded in accepting four new commercial agreements with brands willing to associate with this year’s world championship.

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With the help of Luke Littler, Darts goes from strength by force, with more brands that are intrigued to associate with some of the largest sport events, including its most prestigious competition, the Darts World Championship. “

The Sky audience for the final of the Darts World Championship this year averaged 2.7 million, with a maximum audience that reached 3.1 million. Although lower than last year, these are very encouraging figures for the PDC, even higher than any other audience that is not football in the last 12 months.

Suback-Sharpe continues: “The fundamental reason for such strong audience numbers is the attraction that the adolescent Luke Littler has for the United Kingdom public. Littler is still one of the sports stars sought in the United Kingdom, with the public anxious to witness their trip to dominate the sport. “

Suback-Sharpe concludes: “The biggest event in Darts continues to establish a very strong trading footprint, since new brands have been added to the event portfolio. With darts that grow in popularity in many countries, the audience of the DARDS World Championship should continue to be positive for many years. “

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